Friday, October 4, 2013

EHS Design Job Shadow

My job shadow took place at EHS Design with Danielle Nevils. It was great and very eye opening to me. I walked through an incredibly elaborate room where the elevators were located into an open business area. Danielle gave me a tour and a brief history of the building. It was first the Seattle Stock Exchange building and the owner of EHS design decided that they would use as many of the original pieces as they could throughout the space. The building has open spaces for the interior designers, the architects and another company that they shared the space with called PicMonkey. I was able to watch Danielle work on a project using autoCAD and I got the opportunity to ask her some questions about what I needed to learn and to do so that I am prepared to work in the real world. So I wasn't only sitting there watching her finish the project, she had me go into their elaborate library and  gave me the opportunity to help with another project. She told me that there are times that she is working on 3-6 projects at once. I am going to have to perfect my time management. Dani allowed me to assist her in one of the projects for a building where music will be made. She had already started the project but had me help pick out a table. I was able to see the wide collection of books that they had. I found a few different ideas that I believed would fit very well into the space. After that she had a meeting with a product representative, Juila Gütt, who brought in new samples of carpet. Many of these new products were mainly for office spaces and other corporate areas. I was able to see how those pieces could be applied. Being able to see a quick before and after was very enjoyable to me because seeing the small sample and the ending product is inspiring to know that I could be doing that type of work. They then took me to lunch at Boka, a stunning and beautifully designed restaurant. Once we got back she gave me an assignment to work on. She wanted me to figure out a color scheme for a beer website she was working on. I went on the internet to look up the different types of beer and the aspects that related to making beer. We discussed what worked and what should be altered. It was great to get an opinion from another person. I had a fantastic and inspiring time at my job shadow and hope to visit EHS Design again soon.

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