Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sketch Journals

This was our first journal assignment and I enjoyed finding the subjects that I was going to be tracing. I did it in pencil to make sure that I didn't mess up but then came to the realization that any final project needs to be in pen. The believe that the arrangement of the figures allowed each drawing to stand out while still complimenting the others. I was able to learn to create clean one stroke lines. This assignment caused me to pay attention to detail as well.

Within this sketch I payed much of my attention to the landscape since it had the most vibrant colors as well as it took up most of the space. I wanted to create a sketch that looked as realistic as the original picture. I kept to the same color schemes and textures throughout the picture. I did end up using mainly one tool which limited my skills but I believe that the assignment came out successfully. In the future I will spend more time on the photo as a whole rather than each individual aspect, to make sure that there is harmony throughout the photo.

Looking at tessellations within nature caused me to realized that many patterns that make up fabrics and other designs come from these. This was a helpful introduction for our next in class assignment. I chose objects that I found the most interesting. I also looked for similar features within each one so when I merged them together, the design would be an original while still having a high quality.

When using the cross-hatch technique the light source is very important factor. Adding this feature in anywhere would not make sense within a design. This skill can create a great dramatization in a sketch but there needs to be a plan when creating this element. The more I work on this feature, the better I can use it within my designs.

By sketching in this fashion without using any guidelines can be difficult. When starting the sketch I created a slight outline of the chair by using the negative space sketching. I had to focus on the shapes around the chair and not just the chair itself. This caused me to have to observe the details that I normally would not focus on. By using this method, the chair tends to be more obvious due to the dark background.

This assignment really allowed me to take advantage of the detail pens we received in the beginning of the year. I learned to sketch this object by using correct dimensions. While drawing the different views, I had to position myself in a variety of angles that allowed me to view all the elements to the chair so I could depict each one.

This was my first introduction to drawing floor plans. When creating these designs I had to imagine as if I was looking straight down from the ceiling. I would draw a light line as my eye went around the edge of the room. It was a little difficult doing it on a napkin because of the texture. I made sure to create a correct representation of the room by measuring each piece.

This sketch put all of my two-point perspective skills to the test. I had to incorporate the horizontal line, right view point and left view point. Shadow and perception of the corner also had to be included within this sketch. By having circular objects in the corner I had to make sure I used the correct techniques to represent it properly. The corner was simple with multiple elements to it.

This assignment was one of the more difficult sketches I had to do. The most challenging part was creating the room in one-point perspective. I redid it many times until I was pleased with how it looked. Adding the other elements such as the window, door and couch was much easier since the perspective was correct. I feel that I added too much detail within the first sketch making both the drawings very similar looking. I could have added a much darker value in the second room sketch. This makes me realize that I needed more contrasting features.

I found this assignment very enjoyable because it was completely different than any other sketch I have done so far in the class. The medium I used was thin black paper. This causes a completely different outcome of the sketch. The black makes any color I used to be much more lively, in my opinion. As I was sketching I almost left it simply with only white, but then I realized that there would be a much greater affect if I incorporated color that related to the material of each section.

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