Saturday, December 7, 2013

Graphic Reflection

Starting this poster required me to find many of the previous finished projects that best showed my progress throughout the semester. I tried to include the works that best showed off my abilities and skills. By sketching out quick thumbnails I was able to put together the posters with ease. I wanted to include an aspect within the posters that connected all of them together and would also give an aesthetic appeal. This ended up being the weekly sketches running along the left border. The color behind these drawings was taken from the most common color used within these sketches. When scanning the various layers throughout this project, many appeared dark and slightly tinted gray. I learned a new skill in Photoshop that allowed me to created cleaner looking drawings. I aligned most of the text on one side of the posters as well as keeping them within the same size text box to create a sense of repetition. I structured these posters based upon the assignment required. By making the final layer the largest the audience can focus on how the final details came to be as well as getting the idea of what my process was, through the smaller photos. The border along the bottom area accent strips pulled from the main colors used within that poster. I believed that these were able to enhance the posters not only through the use of color but also through continuation and repetition. I am very pleased on how my assignment turned out and I believe that these three posters prove that my skills have increased and advanced.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Design Firm Visit

Before break I contacted the EHS Design Firm to visit once again. This was the design firm that I job shadowed at previously. Danielle offered me to come back and I believed that she would give  me a great amount of feedback and advice. I prepared by collecting all of my final drawings and made sure they were protected so during the transition of my project nothing got ruined. I also brought all of my materials so I could set them out to explain how I wanted each room to look.

Once I got to the firm, after driving around in Seattle traffic, she met with me and brought me to one of their multiple presenting rooms. She then allowed me to hang up some of the drawings on the board. I started by giving a quick overview of the point of the project was, how I ended up at that point and the process I went through. Next I spoke about the drawings that were on the board. I presented in the order of assignments that we completed. I then brought up what I will be working on for the rest of the week. I really enjoy going to EHS Design and getting feedback and advice from a designer in a company firm. I do feel that I always learn something valuable after visiting this design firm.

As Dani gave me her feedback she focused on the technical aspect of the drawings. Such as the universal representations within the floor plans and perspectives. She then informed me the way she uses for projects. She explained the minimal space needed within doorways, the way to show the elevator and levels of stairs in the floor plan and the benefit of using line weights. At the end she did mention that she liked how my renderings turned out. She then offered to supply me with better materials and fabrics. I was very thankful for her generosity and advice because I have difficulty when picking materials. There is such a large variety of options that it becomes overwhelming at times. During this process she asked how we were going to present and would explain what she was looking for when putting materials together. When leaving she wished me luck and left me feeling much more inspired that when I first arrived there. I hope to visit again soon.

Danielle Nevils LEED GA
EHS Design/EHS Architecture
Exchange Building
821 2nd Ave, Suite 400, Seattle WA 98104
Phone: 206.223.4999
Fax: 206.223.2990